Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy 80th Granny!

Grandpa Mary Emma Frandsen had her 80th birthday celebration this past week. We took off late Thursday afternoon to travel to Utah to be with her. I love my grandma. I grew up next door to her and love having her presence in my life. I love the way that she loves to be involved in her family's life. She is always calling to check on us and make sure that we are doing ok. I have a mindful of memories of my grandma. Some of my favorites are: 

Coming home late at night and seeing her standing in her kitchen eating her late night snack of cereal. 
(Usually Suger Smacks!)
Family vacations
Christmas parties with her twice baked potatoes and cheesecake
Eater egg hunts with peanuts and Brachs marshmallow eggs
Saturday lunches at the Tiffin Room
Playing dress up in her old clothes and jewelry
Memorial Days in Fairfield

I have always had a special place in my heart for my grandparents. They have been a major part of my life. I am grateful that my kids have developed their own memories with them. Hopefully they both will be around for a while longer!

 Aunt Nyla was not happy that Austin is now taller than her!

 We all love when George comes to visit and tortures Grandma with his funky piano renditions!
 Lots of dirty feet from playing outside

Keeping up Grandma's tradition of late night cereal!