Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pick on Austin Day

Austin (bless his heart) has a tendency to be a pest. Especially towards his little sister Sami. Sami and Austin have a hard time getting along. They are both very similar and think that they are always right and in charge. I have no idea where that ideology came from! Austin was on a bugging rampage and Matt had had enough. He decided that they next day would be "pick on Austin day." Sami and Matt devised a plan and as soon as Austin came home from school it was set into motion. A princess crown was made, dress up clothes picked out and things were set. Austin had to wear his punishment through dinner. He was less than thrilled! Hopefully he will realize that it is not always fun to be the object of teasing!


Rookie Blog said...

Joe loves this punishment a little too much. I'm glad I found your blog. Keep me posted on your plans!