While we were in Utah a few months ago, Sami had yet another visit to the ER. I just received the X-rays, so I now have proof of how much intellect my children really have.
The night before we were to leave for our family reunion in Bear Lake, Samantha threw a wrench into the plans. Well, actually it was a nail. We were all sitting around my moms visiting when Sami walks in very calmly and sits down next me and says...
"Mom, I have a secret I need to tell you"
"OK, what?" I say
"I swallowed a nail." she said as calmly as if she had just swallowed a piece of candy.
"You swallowed a nail!" I said not quite as calmly. At that point she became hysterical in true Samantha fashion.
"Yes I swallowed a nail! Am I going to die?!?" She screamed.
"No you are not going to die, we just need to go to the hospital."
I had her show me what type of nail she had put in her mouth and swallowed. Seriously when do kids develop the concept of common sense? Apparently it is not fully understood at the age of four. We took one of the nails she had found in the storage room and went to the hospital. Matt was concerned if it was stuck in her throat we would be headed for Primary Children's and surgery. Luckily it had made it safely through her throat and the Dr. said she would be fine. He commented that this is not even in the top 10 of weird things that he has seen kids swallow. I thought that I would be in the emergency room more with my two boys then with my girls, but Sami currently holds the record.